Create "IP Group B" by repeating the above steps. 重复上述步骤创建“IPGroupB”。
Group A studied the paper for four sessions. Group B studied only once but was tested three times. A组学生学习四遍,B组学生只学一遍却要参加三次考试。
South Korea is grouped with Argentina, Nigeria and Greece in Group B in the World Cup finals this year. 在今年的世界杯决赛中,韩国队被分在了B组。同小组的还有阿根廷,尼日利亚,和希腊。
Argentina plays in Group B, opening against Nigeria on June 12. 小组赛阿根廷被分在B组,将在6月12日迎战尼日利亚队。
Group B: The teeth were restored by cast single post and core on the lingual root. 组行根管预备时,以舌根为桩核所在根,行整体铸造桩核修复。
Methods Calcaneal quantitative ultrasonography was performed in young female healthy controls ( group A), patients with hypothyroidism ( group B). 方法测定健康对照组(A组)、甲状腺功能减退组(B组)两组研究对象的跟骨超声骨参数。
Methods A comparative study of30 cases of fibrous ankylosis group phase in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and30 cases of Group B in healthy volunteers of the lumbar motor unit parameters. 方法对比研究A组30例纤维强直期强直性脊柱炎患者和B组30例健康志愿者的腰椎运动单元相关参数。
South Koreaqualified as second in Group B. 南韩队以B组第二的成绩出线。
Group B action will begin on Sunday with Ghana and Cameroon favourites to progress to the next stage. 组的比赛将在周日开始,加纳和喀麦隆都想进入明年的世界杯。
Mucosal Immune Effect of Group B Streptococcal Surface Immunogenic Protein B族链球菌表面免疫原性蛋白的黏膜免疫效果
Group B: Tissue engineering derma with split skin graft group. B组:组织工程真皮和自体表皮复合移植组;
They really found it difficult to see how that was going to facilitate their work, but confirmed that the members of group B agreed to work constructively on this proposal. 它们确实很难明白这种做法如何能推动其工作,但是重申,b集团的成员国愿意就这一提议开展建设性的工作。
Group A was given 0.9% saline water enema, group B was given senna leaf take with water. A组用09%盐水清洁灌肠,B组用番泻叶冲服。
In group B, the mode of connection between omentum and cerebral cortex was studied. 乙组了解网膜和脑皮层之间的联接方式。
Effect of group B streptococcus infection on pregnant women and their infants 孕妇B族溶血性链球菌感染对母婴的影响
Treatment and relationship between premature rupture of fetal membrane, premature labor, threatened abortion and group B streptococcus B族溶血性链球菌感染与胎膜早破、早产、晚期先兆流产的关系及干预
In Group B, due to continuously contact with allergen, the mucosa remodeling enhanced. B组由于持续变应原接触,鼻黏膜病变进一步加重;
Group A was administered with combined spinal-epidural anesthesia ( CSEA), and Group B with single epidural anesthesia. 组采用腰-硬联合麻醉,B组采用单纯硬膜外麻醉。
There is no changes of BP, HR, SPO2 in group A, but group B has changes. 给丙泊酚后血压,心率,及SPO2无明显变化,而对照组血压,心率,SPO2有明显波动。
The pregnancy rate ( 48.68%) and embryo implantation rate ( 29.14%) in group A2 were significantly higher than those in group A1 and group B ( P A2组首次胚胎冻融移植周期的临床妊娠率(48.68%)和胚胎种植率(29.14%)显著高于A1组和B组(P
Semen quality test for a group of82 decoration workers ( group A) and a group of270 non-decoration workers ( group B) were carried out and statistical analysis performed. 对82名室内装修工人(装修组)和270名非装修人员(对照组)进行精液质量检测及统计分析。
And second place in Group B would play third place in Group A. 而B组的第二名将与A组的第三名展开角逐。
However, Group B patients enjoyed conventional care instead of special care. 乙组按常规护理,不对照顾者进行特殊施教。
Study on Immunogenicity of Group A and Group C Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine with Coupling Group B Meningococcal Outer Membrane Protein B群脑膜炎球菌外膜蛋白偶联A+C群脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗的免疫原性研究
Study on Relationship between Infection of Coxsackievirus Group B and Type 2 Diabetes with Th1/ Th2 Imbalance CVB病毒感染及免疫失衡与2型糖尿病相关性研究
Patients in group B were given operation alone. 对照组采用单纯手术治疗。
For group B, polysaccharide vaccines cannot be developed, due to antigenic mimicry with polysaccharide in human neurologic tissues. 对于B群,不能开发出多糖疫苗,因其与人体神经组织中的多糖存在抗原模拟。